- General:
- In accordance with UK Athletics Rules, no one under the age of 17 years on race day will be permitted to participate in the 10 mile race.
- Participants under the age of 18 must have parental/guardian permission to participate.
- Participants agree that they are an amateur as defined by UK Athletics and they are medically fit to take part and enter at their own risk. Participants are strongly advised that they train for the event and they follow an appropriate training plan. Participants are encouraged to seek their doctor’s advice before running if they do not currently engage in regular exercise or have a medical condition. Participants who have an existing medical condition must provide details when registering for the event and write details of their condition and any medication they are taking on the reverse of their race number.
- Entry:
- Race entries are non-refundable and non-deferrable. Any assignment, transfer (unless through the official transfer process as outlined below) or sale of a race number may result in delay and/or difficulty in the event of an emergency. Any participant found to be running with any number other than that issued to them will be disqualified and reported to UK Athletics.
- Participants may transfer their race number subject to the prior consent of the organiser and a £3.00 administration fee. Transfers must be completed by the stated time on the ‘Enter’ page. Please refer to the ‘Transfers’ details on the ‘Enter’ page of the Derby 10 Mile website for instructions.
- Participants should notify the organiser of any change of address or contact details, no less than six weeks before the event to avoid the participant’s race pack being dispatched to the incorrect address.
- Race packs are not posted to participants who have provided a postal address located outside of the UK and instead the race pack will be available for collection from the Race Pack Collection Point on race day. Participants who wish for their race pack to be delivered to an alternate address must submit a request in writing to the organiser six weeks before the event.
- Entrants who change to a different entry option where an additional fee is required will need to pay this prior to the change being made. No refunds will be made when there are changes to a cheaper entry option.
- There will be a fee of £5.00 for replacement of lost timing chips/numbers.
- Charity donations (if gift aid added): Entrants must pay an amount of Income/Capital Gains Tax that is at least equal to the amount of tax that the charity will reclaim on their gifts for that tax year.
- Course:
- From 1 April 2016 a new rule regarding the wearing of headphones in road races was introduced into the 2016-2018 edition of the UKA Rules of Competition: “The wearing of headphones, or similar devices, (other than those medically prescribed), is not permitted in races on any single carriageway road that is not wholly closed to traffic.” As the Derby 10 Mile is a UKA licensed event, the above rule applies.
- Since the publication of this new rule, a further supplementary rule in September 2016 states that headphones that work by conducting sound through bones and do not sit in the ears are acceptable.
- To avoid further investigation and potential disqualification, participants are asked to complete the Bone Conduction Headphone Declaration Form if they wish to wear bone conduction headphones on race day.
- It is essential that all participants must be alert at all times to directions given by marshals in the case of an emergency.
- Bikes, stilts, roller skates, skateboards, pushchairs/buggies or any kind of mechanical aid are strictly prohibited on the course. Spectators are only allowed with such items if they are positioned well away from the course and take full due care and consideration of the event participants.
- Participants are not permitted to be accompanied by or bring pets or other animals onto the course. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes participating with dogs.
- For participants who require aid around the course by a guide runner, the guide runner must also be a registered participant in the event. The participant requiring assistance must advise the organiser that they require assistance upon entry and a complimentary entry will be provided to the guide runner.
- Participants are not permitted to be accompanied by cyclists or non-entered runners on the course. In certain circumstance where a participant is personally accompanied by a cyclist or non-entered runner, whether they are pacing or not, then the participant will be disqualified from the event.
- Participants attempting to start or join the race in any outfit that the organiser deem unsuitable and/or dangerous to other competitors or spectators, will not be allowed to start the event or, if on the course, will be requested to leave the event. Participants wanting to wear a costume or an outfit which is out of the ordinary should contact the organiser prior to entering.
- Due to the 10 mile course having a narrow section of two-way runners and narrow sections along the riverpath, it is with regret that the course is not suitable during the race or immediately before the race to accommodate wheelchair participants either overtaking or being overtaken by other participants. This is on grounds of health and safety to protect both the runner participants and wheelchair participants. For further enquiries, please contact the organisers.
- From 1 April 2016 a new rule regarding the wearing of headphones in road races was introduced into the 2016-2018 edition of the UKA Rules of Competition: “The wearing of headphones, or similar devices, (other than those medically prescribed), is not permitted in races on any single carriageway road that is not wholly closed to traffic.” As the Derby 10 Mile is a UKA licensed event, the above rule applies.
- Event:
- Drones are not permitted to be used at the event by participants or spectators without prior consent of the organiser and relevant authorities. Any person found to be using a drone will be immediately asked to ground the drone and remove it from the event. Failure to comply will result in reporting the incident to the police and relevant authorities. The organiser reserves the right to disqualify the participant or associated participant(s) of the spectator using the drone.
- The organiser may at any time during the event or prior to the event prevent the participant from participating in the event if it considers such action is necessary for the safety and/or proper enjoyment of the event by the participant and/or other participants and/or spectators.
- Participants who complete the event are strictly limited to one item of each race memento and race product provided by the organiser. Participants seen to be taking additional items, unless otherwise stated or offered, will be disqualified from the event. In certain circumstances, participants taking additional items may be considered as theft and further action may be taken if necessary, especially if other participants have missed out on receiving their item(s).
- Data:
- It is the duty of the participant to ensure that details are submitted accurately at the time of entering the race as this is how they will appear on the Check I’m In page and the Race Results, which will also be included in the RunDerby Race Series. For any inclusions and event specific amendments such as name, address, estimated time, or running club, participants need to contact the organiser in writing. No amendments can be made to the results when they are made final, being two weeks after the race. This also applies for the results sent to the RunDerby Race Series, Derbyshire Athletics Championships and the Midland Counties Athletics Association. Participants agree to the organiser storing their personal information and using this information for the purpose of organising the event. Participants entering the Derbyshire Athletics Championships and / or the Midland Counties Athletics Association agree to have their entry information passed on to the organisers.
- Participants agree to the organiser storing their personal information and using this information for the purpose of organising the event.
- Participants agree that the organiser may publish their personal information as part of the results of the event and may pass such information to the governing body or any affiliated organisation for the purpose of insurance, licences or for publishing results either for the event alone or combined with / compared to other events. Results may include (but not be limited to) name, any club affiliation, race times, occupation and age category.
- In compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998, participants have the right of access to their personal records held by the organiser, which may be subject to a small administration fee in line with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
- In order to send the participant a race pack for collection on race day and fundraising pack (if requested), and produce their race results and photographs, the participant authorises the organiser to release their personal details (including their full name, address and email address) to the pack provider, charity (if applicable), official photography company and timing results company. The participant also authorises the organiser to disclose their full information for medical purposes on the day of the event.
- By entering the run, participants give permission for the free use of their name, voice or image in any broadcast, telecast, advertising promotion or other account of this event. If the participant (or parent/guardian if the participant is under 18 years old) does not wish for their name, voice or image to be used in this manner, they should contact the organiser in writing.
- Disclaimer:
- By entering the Derby 10 Mile, the participant is accepting all the conditions of entry and acknowledges that the organiser of the event shall not be liable for personal injury, death, or loss, theft or damage to belongings as a consequence of participation in the event.
- Participants agree to indemnify the organiser in relation to any claims, action, liabilities or losses resulting from any breach of these conditions by the participant.
- Obtaining insurance for personal accident and loss as a result of the event is the sole responsibility of the participant.
- The organiser will not be liable for any pledges made by the participant or on their behalf to any charity.
- The organiser’s total liability, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise in respect of any losses arising out of or in connection with the event shall be limited to a sum equal to the total entry fee paid by the participant to the organiser.
Reviewed: 26/07/2024
© Derby 10 Mile