Please find below the details for your role at the Derby 10 Mile on Sunday 12th November.
You are in Zone: Start and Finish Area
Please sign in with:
Volunteer Coordinator: Catherine Dolan
Venue: Pride Park Stadium Players’ Lounge
Time: 08.45
Click here for the directions to the nearest Car Park and where to sign in/Players Lounge
You will be issued a hi viz vest and refreshments.
You will then be met by your Zone Leader: Kevin Harrell
Your Zone leader will issue you an essential contacts list and what to do in the eventuality of an emergency when you meet them.
The Volunteer Co-ordinator’s mobile number is only to be used on the day if you are going to be late or during the race.
Please check you have given us you correct mobile number. This is the best way for your zone leader to contact you around the course in case there is an emergency. If you don’t have a mobile please let us know.
Outbound and Inbound role
In some areas the race may pass you twice depending where you are allocated on the course. If this is the case, you will be given an outbound role and an inbound role. Your zone leader will inform you of your exact locations when you meet them on the day.
When the runners have passed inbound towards the Pride Park Stadium, the sweep cyclist will pass to signify the last runner has gone through. Please do not stand down or leave the area. Your zone leader will give further instructions to help take down any infrastructure and clear the area.
Please give as much time as possible after the race to help take down and pack away. After your zone leader has stood you down in your zone, there may still be quite a lot of jobs left at the Pride Park Stadium. Many hands make light work and we can all get home quicker if we spend 15/30 minutes helping.
Please return your hi viz vest to the volunteer coordinator when all the post race jobs have been completed and you have signed out. You will be issued with a T-shirt voucher which you can redeem after 1.40pm and a certificate of hours if you have requested one from the volunteer coordinator.
Head phones and mobiles
Please ensure you have plenty of battery life just in case you need to be contacted or you need to contact your zone leader in an emergency.
We appreciate there will be some standing around time and we all like to keep in touch with our friends. However, from 11am please give your full attention and support for the runners and give them lots of encouragement. You may be the last person they see for a few hundred meters it will be nice to make them feel supported and confident. However, when possible and when not effecting your duties, we do encourage you to take plenty of fun and positive photos of all the volunteers and runners in action at the location you are in and post them on Facebook and Twitter before and after the race or send them to We spend a year planning the event and unfortunately we do not get to see most of it so your photos will be really appreciated.
Wrap up warm
We strongly recommend that you wear layers of clothing and bring waterproofs/ warm coat, along with hat scarf and gloves. There will be some walking to do. Suitable footwear is essential to keep your feet warm and dry. A back pack will be handy to carry your waterproofs and snacks. Please remember how cold it gets in November and you may feel even colder standing around. Layer your clothes especially your socks to insulate your body.
Please be patient and if you experience any problems please give us your constructive feedback and suggestions so we can improve your experience next year. We pride ourselves with delivering quality races not just for the runners but for the Race Crew too. You are on the front line and it is you who actually make this race happen. If you have had a good experience we also want to hear from you. Please fill in a feedback form on the day or email if you don’t get chance.
We look forward to seeing you on race day
Kind regards
Kay Smith
Event Coordinator